Everyday Detox as nature intended
February 2025
Everyday Detox as nature intended
Published by ive Right Health- Property of NHD Direct Inc
Simple, Holistic Detoxification for All Season
it may not feel like it, but spring is just around the corner, and with this season, there is a natural urge to shake off the winter and clear the way with renewed energy and vitality.
This time of year, many people use detoxes not only to help initiate a weight loss plan but also to increase energy and general body maintenance
Spring is often touted as the season for cleanses and detoxes, but the body's innate detoxification pathways are challenging at work 365 days a year.
The human body is remarkably adept at processing and eliminating byproducts, harmful substances, and wastes. Through four key areas: the lymphatic system, liver, kidneys and bowels. Supporting these key areas through lifestyle, routine, and supplementation can help optimize their function. Liver detoxification, bile production, bowel movement, urine production, and productive perspiration are all ONGOING processes that are required to keep a body healthy and free of toxins.
Detox as nature intended
Detox The Simple Way
A whole-body detox is a holistic process involving many moving parts, supporting all aspects of detoxification for thorough, balanced results!
St Francis Herb Farm has harnessed the detoxification-enhancing abilities of traditional plant medicines in a kit containing four highly effective, targeted herbal formulas that work to support and optimize these four key areas of elimination: Lymphatic system, Liver, Kidneys, and Bowel.
The St Francis Herb Farm 4 Seasons Detox kit is a 10-day cleanse that works to holistically support the body in removing accumulated waste products via channels of elimination, helping the body's natural detoxification. The kit includes: Lyphatic Cleanse, Kidney Cleanse, LIver Tonic and Bowel Cleanse with easy to follow instructions and tips for healthy cleansing
Targeted Cleansing where you need it
Suppose the 10-day cleansing kit is not right for you. St Francis Herb Farm also offers a targeted cleaning approach to each of the areas of elimination so you can choose the one that you feel will best support your needs.
The lymphatic system is a network of glands, vessels, ducts, and nodes acts as the body's drainage system, working to help transport wastes and toxins that build up in the cells of the body into the elimination pathways for excretion via bile, urine, and perspiration. It also plays a role in maintaining fluid balance and is involved in absorbing essential, nourishing dietary fats and valuable fat-soluble nutrients.
Did you know the lymphatic system is ductless, meaning that it requires muscle tone and physical movement to facilitate the flow of lymph – the fluid that circulates throughout it – effectively?
Lymph flow can become stagnant or backed up from inactivity, dehydration, stress, and exposure to chemical toxins, resulting in symptoms that include fatigue, swelling, infection, inflammation, and mucus congestion.
Herbs, like those found in The St Francis Herb Farm Lymph Tonic and practices like massage, rebounding, and hot and cold hydrotherapy can all support healthy lymphatic flow and improve elimination.
Lymph Tonic contains nine herbs that support the health of the lymphatic system, promoting Detox and healthy circulation of lymph in the body. Traditional herbs include Blue Flag, which is used in traditional Western herbalism to stimulate the glandular and lymphatic system, and Cleavers, which aid eliminatory functions and act as a diuretic to address issues with edema.
The St Francis Lymph Tonic formula is used as a daily tonic to support lymphatic glands, efficient lymphatic flow, and detoxification. The Lymphatic Cleanse tincture can be taken each morning in a bit of water on an empty stomach.
The liver is the largest solid organ in the body. It works to filter the blood, helping to remove waste and toxins. Your liver is the top "detoxer" in the body. This vital organ filters the blood and helps to break down fat-soluble toxins so your body can eliminate them. Still, it can become overwhelmed by too many processed foods, medications, and environmental pollutants. This is where herbs can help!
Milk thistle has been a favourite herb of Western herbalists and physicians for centuries in treating liver conditions. Its main active compound, silymarin, has been found to increase the rate of synthesis in liver cells and encourage repair after injury. Milk thistle can help maintain healthy liver function and restore it from the impacts of poor dietary choices, everyday exposure to pesticides and pollution, and even the effects of alcohol, recreational or pharmaceutical drugs, and other liver-congestive substances!
The St Francis Herb Farm Milk Thistle tincture acts as a liver protectant and helps to support optimal liver function. It helps to prevent liver damage and restore it to health, to keep it functioning and detoxing.
HepatoDR® and HepatoDR Capsules are liver-supportive formulas that blend the benefits of milk thistle PLUS 4 other complementary detoxifying herbs. This synergistic formula helps to support liver function and enhances its removal of the body's accumulated waste products by aiding eliminatory functions!
Which liver-support formula is right for me?
Milk Thistle is a gentle support that aids the liver in its daily processing and elimination of wastes. You can take Milk Thistle Tincture as a daily liver tonic to help detoxify and regenerate the liver.
HepatoDR® will increase detoxification through liver pathways and is beneficial for aiding in bile production and flow, with its support of the gallbladder. Take HepatoDR® if you need help with cleansing the body and are looking to detox more thoroughly with a multi-faceted formula or are dealing with degenerative or inflammatory disorders of the liver.
The kidneys work alongside the liver to filter many end products of metabolism from the bloodstream, allowing them to be excreted through urine.
St Francis Herb Farm 4 Herb Formula tincture is formulated with a 4-herb blend that supports healthy urine flow and enhances the removal of accumulated waste products via the kidneys. The Kidney Cleanse tincture can be taken once before bedtime in a bit of water on an empty stomach.
The bowel actively works to excrete solid digestive waste through efficient and regular elimination (bowel movements). The elimination of byproducts from metabolism and toxins filtered by the lymphatic system and liver flow through the bowel is a critical part of the body's natural cleansing process. Therefore, supporting the actions of the bowel, assisting in transit time, and helping absorb and mobilize toxins in the digestive system requires regular maintenance. The Four Season Detox offers the best solution for elimination throughout the body and gives your bowels support in its processes. The Four Seasons Detox is an intestinal tonic that promotes digestive power as well as a tonic for whole-body rejuvenation, recuperation, and vitality.
Notable Mentions
iFight Fungal Infections
Fungal and yeast infections are a little better at making their presence known, as they often present externally in the form of athlete's foot, dandruff, vaginal yeast infections, nail fungus and oral thrush. Candida is a more systemic form of yeast proliferation in the body that can cause more widespread health issues. When taken internally, herbs can help the body battle yeast and fungal infections.
Fungafect® combines uniquely antifungal and immune-enhancing herbs to help fight existing fungal infections and help defend against reoccurrence. It can also effectively help to treat yeast-related issues.Fight Fungal Infections
Parasite Support
Parasites are more common than you think – and you don't need to visit an exotic location to pick one up. Because they are often not visible and symptoms are immediate or obvious, a parasitic infection can frequently go unchecked for extended periods. Parasites come from contaminated Food, water, and soil and can come from handling animals – yes, even your beloved dog or cat! Parasites can interfere with the absorption of nutrients, cause inflammation, pain, and irritation throughout the body. . Getting rid of parasites can be tricky because they are often undetected, and they can quickly reproduce, making it challenging to eliminate Herbs, which have a long history of treating parasite infections. Black walnut have been used for centuries to treat parasitic infections.
St Francis Herb Farm Black Walnut Complete combines antiparasitic herbs in a tincture that helps to treat intestinal parasites and efficiently expel them from the body. Black Walnut hulls are rich in astringent tannins and a compound known as juglone that has anthelmintic (worm-killing) properties. These substances disrupt the metabolic processes of the parasites, killing them and making the environment within the host body inhospitable for their survival, also breaking the cycle of reproduction