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AdrenalSense® Improves Stress Symptoms

Early symptoms of adrenal stress include fatigue, depression, cold hands or feet, dizziness, low back pain, asthma, allergies, sweet cravings, hormonal imbalances, irritability, headaches, gastrointestinal problems, skin problems, arthritis, and other inflammatory conditions.  WomenSense AdrenaSense® offers natural support for the adrenal glands to help relieve general fatigue and improve mental and physical performance. It helps recover after mental and physical stress and exertion and provides relief for mental and physical performance after periods of mental and/or physical exertion. WomenSense AdrenaSense also supports healthy cortisol levels and adrenal function.

WomenSense EstroSense®-

 Hormone Balancing Therapy

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance include heavy or painful periods, hormonal acne, PMS, ovarian cysts, fibrocystic breasts, endometriosis, and more. EstroSense is the ideal hormonal health partner for women using oral contraceptives and those suffering from hormonal imbalance. It is an exclusive formula containing all-natural ingredients that help maintain healthy hormone balance by promoting liver detoxification and healthy estrogen metabolism. EstroSense® also provides support for hormonal acne and PMS and reduces the symptoms of estrogen dominance.

WomenSense MenoSense®

MenoSense®  Menopause Formula

For the reduction of hot flashes, night sweats and other symptoms of menopause Menopause is one year without a menstrual cycle, while perimenopause is the 10–15 years leading up to menopause. Both times in a woman’s life can bring unwelcome symptoms. MenoSense® contains natural ingredients to help relieve the symptoms associated with menopause and perimenopause. Black cohosh, chasteberry, gamma-oryzanol, hesperidin, and dong quai will help balance fluctuating hormone levels and ease the transition through menopause.  MenoSense® is recommended by healthcare practitioners for the treatment of symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes, night sweats and more.

WomenSense ThyroSense®

ThyroSense® Supports thyroid health.

If you are experiencing symptoms such as weight gain, fatigue, moodiness, poor concentration, anxiety, low libido, cold intolerance, dry hair and brittle nails, hair loss, night sweats, insomnia or constipation – a low thyroid could be your problem. If you suspect you have low thyroid (hypothyroidism), you should see your healthcare practitioner for testing. In general, low thyroid (hypothyroid) is a common condition in North America, affecting between 20 and 25 percent of the female population and about 10 percent of males. In addition, approximately 30 percent of people over the age of 35 may have a sub-clinical or mild hypothyroidism. WomenSense ThyrsoSense® nourishes and supports thyroid health and supports the conversion of T4 to more active T3. It is formulated with nutrients and herbs for a healthy thyroid. Helps metabolize carbohydrates, proteins, and fats and supports weight loss.

You Got This !

WomenSense®&The Canadian Women’s Foundation!

WomenSense® & The Canadian Women’s Foundation!

WomenSense® is a strong supporter of Canada's public foundation for Women and Girls, The Canadian Women's Foundation. The Canadian Women’s Foundation funds programs that work to change the lives of women and girls in more than 1,500 communities across Canada. It has grown to be one of the 10 most prominent women’s foundations in the world. Since 2011, WomenSense® has donated over $600,000 to the Foundation by sharing a portion of its profits from every bottle sold by EstroSense®, ThyroSense®, MenoSense®, and AdrenaSense®. Did you know that $5.00 from the sale of each bonus bottle will be donated to the Canadian Women’s Foundation?


ISURA is Canada's only independent natural health supplement and food product verification and certification organization that provides mass spectrometry and non-GMO testing from seed to table. ISURA's Standard for Natural Health Products is among the world's highest. The threshold limits and other components of the ISURA Standard meet or exceed standards or recommendations for Natural Health Products set by global and national organizations. Furthermore, ISURA's analytical testing laboratories meet ISO 17025 laboratory and methodology standards, and ISURA's quality management system is ISO 9001 certified.


Supplement Safety: The information provided in this article is not meant to treat or diagnose. It is for information purposes only. It's also always a good idea to consult with your doctor before trying out any new supplements or other dietary changes, as there's always the possibility that these compounds could have adverse interactions with other ongoing medications, pre-existing medical conditions, etc.

Support Your Wellness Journey with WomenSense®

PCOSense is a complete natural health solution for women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). It is one of the first formulas to combine myo-inositol and D-chiro-inositol at a 40:1 ratio, plus folate and vitamin B12. This formula supports normal menstrual cycle and fertility, healthy glucose balance, and reduced serum testosterone in women with PCOS.

VeinSense beautiful legs formula combines the natural citrus bioflavonoids, diosmin and hesperidin, with horse chestnut and butcher’s broom extracts to provide supportive therapy for varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). This non-GMO, gluten-free supplement relieves symptoms of pain, swelling, and leg cramps by easing fluid retention and encouraging healthy vein structure.

WomenSense D-Mannose uses a formula made with the naturally occurring simple-sugar D-mannose to stop UTI infections before they start. When taken daily, D-mannose helps reduce the risk of recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs) in women. Each daily dose provides 2000 mg of D-mannose to help flush E. coli from the urinary tract without interfering with healthy blood sugar regulation.

HappySense 5-HTP naturally enhances serotonin levels, which in turn helps promote healthy mood balance, relieve symptoms of fibromyalgia, and reduce the severity and duration of migraine headaches when taken as a preventative. 5-HTP can also be used as a sleep aid.With a program of reduced intake of dietary calories and increased physical activity, 5-HTP can help in weight management by reducing carbohydrate cravings.

Ashwagandha,, feel the calm

WomenSense, The Brand for Women

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