You have heard the saying, “Dying of a broken heart,” often used to describe the depths of despair one feels due to losing a child, spouse, beloved pet or a loved one. But did you know the deep level of sadness that a person is feeling can trigger physiological symptoms that can lead to a condition known as broken heart syndrome?
Broken Heart Syndrome is medically referred to as Takotsubo Syndrome or Stress-Induced Cardiomyopathy. Symptoms of Takotsubo (Broken Heart Syndrome) can mimic a typical heart attack, such as chest pain, shortness of breath, excessive sweating, nausea and vomiting, weakness and fatigue and irregular heartbeat.
These symptoms seem to initiate when the body releases a flood of stress hormones, which can cause heart muscles to become weak. It can affect anyone at any age who is experiencing severe emotional distress or trauma.
The only way to rule out if a person is having a cardiac episode or suffering from “broken heart syndrome” is to run medical testing to rule out any blockages or underlying medical conditions that cause the symptoms.
Most people with “Broken Heart Syndrome will see symptoms subside as they move through the phases of grief. But in some cases, this syndrome can lead to long-lasting damage to the heart muscle.
Evolving research shows that this syndrome can affect the heart’s pumping motion. The twisting or wringing motion made by the heartbeat of extremely stressed individuals can cause small scars on the heart, which reduces its elasticity and affect the contraction of the heart muscle.
There is no way to know if you are at risk for this syndrome, and there is no medical way to prevent it from happening. If it does happen, it will come on suddenly. We suggest that any time you feel symptoms of a heart attack, you seek medical attention immediately.

Find Your Way Back Naturally
With the understanding that extreme stress brought on by a tragic event could cause “Broken Heart Syndrome, watch for signs that your body is responding through physical symptoms and consider providing some extra support to help manage the stress you are experiencing. Supplements will not lessen your suffering or the emotional pain you are experiencing. The action of the supplements is to provide your body and central nervous systems with an extra set of tools to help manage your stress response.
Supplements that combine a number of stress-managing supplements may be a better option in this situation. The blended products work synergistically to support the different pathways of stress. Consider supplements such as Healthology Stress-FX or Veeva Stress, and do your best to take the supplement daily for the best results
5HTP (L-5-hydroxytryptophan) is a supplement that works in the central nervous and brain by increasing the production of serotonin which plays a vital role in reducing depression, insomnia, stress and anxiety
Although not medically proven yet, helping the mind cope with the physical attributes of stress could help reduce the likelihood of “Broken Heart Syndrome.