Show Your Liver Some Love
The liver is the largest organ in your body and has three vital functions that are required for life and about 500 other tasks that keep you healthy. The most notable is the body's primary filtration system. Everything substance your breath in, everything you eat or drink, even what you put on your skin filters through your liver. Your entire blood supply moves through your liver, where harmful substances or naturally occurring wastes are removed or neutralized and then pumped back through your body. Your liver does not just filter the bad stuff it also cleans blood that is enriched with vitamins, minerals and nutrients that were consumed as part of digestion. It functions to separate the nutrients from your blood, sends them back to your body and deposits the wastes into your intestines and kidneys.
The liver is a synthesizer (responsible for automatic & involuntary pathways). It makes bile, which is an essential element that helps the small intestine break down and absorb fats, cholesterol, electrolytes and some vitamins. Bile production plays a role in the absorption of Vitamin K. Metabolizing Bilirubin, which plays a role in releasing iron from hemoglobin (required for new blood cells). Your liver also helps to break down proteins for easier digestion (through bile production). Your liver synthesizes your immune system and destroys possible disease-causing agents. Your liver regulates the balance of hormones (sex hormones, thyroid hormones, cortisone, adrenal hormones, etc.). Your liver is also responsible for the release of metabolic enzymes.
The liver is a storage facility for carbohydrates where they are broken down into glucose (glycogen), stored, and waiting for the call to be released into the bloodstream. The liver also stores "fat-soluble" vitamins such as A, D, E, K and B12. We have just touched the surface on the amazing attributes of your liver's actions and reactions within the body that help you to sustain life
The Liver Can Regenerate?
Perhaps we take our liver organ for granted because we assume it can naturally regenerate. It is true that after injury or surgery, when live tissue is removed, the tissue grows back. What is growing are the existing cells that enlarge, and from here, new liver cells will start to multiply.
The same theory applies when you have caused more mild damage to your liver, such as a viral infection or drugs (prescribed or otherwise) or alcohol. However, if your liver is damaged by means of a continuous flow of toxins or any number of liver diseases (fatty liver, cirrhosis, autoimmune, hepatitis). The damage sometimes goes beyond the point of repair. The moral of the story is "Love your liver" and support its detoxification to optimize it vital for life functions.
Love your Liver with Supplements
There is no shortage of liver supplements to choose from, with many of the options combining a number of supplements into one. Other options for liver support are stand-alone supplements that provide a more unique approach to liver care.
Milk thistle is one of the main liver support supplements. Milk thistle is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Milk thistle's active constituents are collectively named "silymarin,” which can help repair the liver cells damaged by alcohol or other toxic materials. Silymarin also protects new cells from these toxins before they can be harmed.
L-Arginine, an amino acid, can help promote healthy blood flow and aids in liver detoxification by neutralizing ammonia. Liver disease is the most common cause of elevated ammonia levels. Lack of blood flow to the liver inhibits the body's ability to transfer ammonia for processing. L-arginine may benefit the treatment of liver disorders (cirrhosis and fatty liver)
L-Glutamine. Another amino acid can benefit the fatty liver and many other functions, including immune support, inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease) and overall gut health.
Glutathione– is a powerful antioxidant produced by the liver and found in every cell in the body to protect it against free radicals and heavy metals and eliminates drugs and pollutants. It is composed of 3 different amino acids and declines with age. It helps regenerate vitamins C and E, transports mercury out of the brain and supports the liver and gallbladder in dealing with fats. Milk thistle and NAC (N-acetyl cysteine) activate the natural production of glutathione in the body.
Glycine- An amino acid, glycine helps support liver and heart health, improve sleep and reduce muscle loss and the risk of diabetes. It helps reduce inflammation and helps prevent diseases linked to oxidative stress, such as liver injury. This anti-inflammatory action can help minimize the harmful effects of alcohol on the liver.
Silymarin, a hepatoprotectant, is an antioxidant compound found and derived from milk thistle (an ancient herbal remedy) that protects liver cells against mutation and damage. It blocks toxins from binding to receptors on liver cell membranes and may be helpful in the prevention of cirrhosis and liver disease since it may help the liver repair itself by growing new cells. Milk thistle and silymarin also aid the kidney and gall bladder. Adding dandelion to silymarin (Silymarin 300 mg 80%+Dandelion) offers digestive support for the digestive system. Dandelion is an antioxidant that protects the liver, kidneys and immune system and offers antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties. Other silymarin remedies will offer the benefits of silymarin and turmeric (Silymarin 150 mg 80%+Turmeric). Turmeric, a plant from the ginger family, is a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant commonly used for liver disease, digestive disorders, respiratory infections, and arthritis.
NAC (N-acetyl cysteine) helps replenish glutathione levels in the body. This amino acid plays an important role in detoxification and helps prevent the side effects of drugs and environmental toxins. Intravenous NAC is often given to people suffering from acetaminophen overdose to prevent or reduce kidney or liver damage. Its antioxidant properties and ability to expel mucous make it highly effective for bronchitis, COPD and other respiratory issues.
Choline – the body does not produce enough choline, so we must obtain it from outside sources to support liver function. It aids the body in acetylcholine production, an important neurotransmitter for memory, mood and other brain and nervous system functions. A choline deficiency is associated with muscle and liver damage and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
If you have any medical conditions, talk to your healthcare provider before you try any herbal products for your liver. Also, as with all herbal products, their therapeutic benefits could interreact with prescribed medications and allergies. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, please review all cautions and warnings.Text
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