- One of its most essential functions is formulating and repairing collagen (the connective tissue that holds the body's cells and tissues together).
- Your body also requires adequate amounts of vitamin C to help restore blood flow and support the integrity of the blood vessel cells.
- Vitamin C also promotes the healthy development of bones and teeth.
- It is needed for amino acid metabolism and the synthesis of hormones, including the thyroid hormone that controls the rate of metabolism in the body.
- Vitamin C also aids the absorption of iron and calcium.
- It also has tremendous benefits as an antioxidant by protecting immune fighter cells
- Vitamin C gives vitamin E a helping hand so it can function better.
- Vitamin acts as a natural antihistamine for allergies and strengthens a compromised immune system.
Did you know that your body uses vitamin C to support your stress hormones, and when you are under stress, it uses a large amount of this vitamin to get back on track? Vitamin C does an excellent job of protecting things; it is often used as a natural preservative and prevents foods from discolouring.
Identifying the vitamin C supplements
To reap the health benefits of Vitamin C at the cellular level, you need to consume enough of it. But how much to take depends on your present health status. Vitamin C is not stored in the body, so regular consumption of Vitamin C-rich foods is critical.
The richest food sources of Vitamin C are citrus fruits, green peppers, strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli, white potatoes, and sweet potatoes. Other good sources include dark leafy greens, cantaloupe, papaya, mango, watermelon, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, red peppers, raspberries, blueberries, winter squash, and pineapples.
When to up your Vitamin C with a supplement depends on a few factors
- Do you consume lots of fresh organic vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables
- Are you prone to colds and viruses
- Are you immune compromised or managing a chronic health condition
- Are you suffering from cardiovascular disease or high blood pressure
- Do You suffer from bowel disorders, malabsorption syndromes
- Are you managing chronic stress, anxiety or other forms of mental illness?
Vitamin C is water-soluble, so it is not very well stored in the body, requiring replenishment throughout the day. If you are consuming Vitamin C-rich foods, spread them out, so you are continually feeding vitamin C to your cells. If you are not able to get your Vitamin C from dietary sources, consider supplementation with brands that provide buffered sources of Vitamin C
Natural Factors BioCgel. Natural Factors BioCgel contains a highly absorbable form of Vitamin C that has been buffered to be gentle on the stomach. BioCgel also contains citrus bioflavonoids. Bioflavonoids fight oxidation, strengthen capillaries and optimize collagen health, but they are vital to effective vitamin C absorption. BioCgel also has an additional BerryRich formula, an antioxidant blend of grape, pomegranate, strawberry, cranberry, blueberry, raspberry, and bilberry that naturally enhances the effects of vitamin C and provides antioxidant benefits.
Consuming large amounts of Vitamin C at once could have a diuretic effect and cause upset stomach, gas or diarrhea. Vitamin C supplements may also interact with certain medications, including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, tetracycline, blood thinners, HIV medications, antacids and chemotherapy medications.
Please consult your healthcare provider if you are concerned with interactions or need further guidance for supplement dosing.
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